Welcome to the Planet Ant Training Center Film program.

In this course you’ll be working with an experienced film maker and instructor that will guide you and your class through all the steps you need to produce your film short.

We provide the filming equipment, you and your class provide the crew and scripts.

You’ll work together on creating all aspects of your original idea. Starting in Level 1 with visual writing you’ll unlock your idea and put it on paper in a way that makes it right for the visual medium of film.

Level 2 and beyond explores camera movement and placement, crew positions, and setting filming dates with you and your class where everyone will come together to make your dream a reality.

Level 5 culminates in guided editing instruction so you can finalize your film for any festival submission.

We not only teach you the essence of what makes film storytelling great but also how to work together in ways that make everything as easy as possible.

No experience required

The Planet Ant Training Center strives to provide the highest quality instruction possible while fostering a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for students from all backgrounds and identities.